God has us on a journey. One of adventure. Of learning. Of battles. Of love. Growth is this journey realized. So here is our story.

Friday, May 27, 2011

We remember

Sedona. The place where we spent our glorious three days of freedom together. Each year we go away for a night/few days/week to celebrate our anniversary. It is a glorious tradition, not just because that's what you do to celebrate your marriage, but because it is the one and only trip of the year that is just us. No visiting family or friends, no child. We go back to our roots and remember why it is we're together in the first place. We remembered how much we thrive on doing adventures together. Not only did we discover an incredible gem of great beauty in Arizona, we immersed ourselves in the adventures that lie throughout Red Rock Country. Hiking for hours on end over mountains, along creek beds, through meadows of bright wildflowers...
Mountain biking through rough terrain, and as always, getting in way over my head! (Here I could actually see how far we've come in our marriage because I never once yelled at Brandon for picking such a ridiculously hard trail:-)We remembered how important it is to nurture our own hearts so as to make room for each other. Each afternoon we'd collapse back into our hotel room and spend some time reading and journaling. Coincidentally, we both are reading books by Rob Bell--Love Wins and Sex God--and have both been deeply moved and challenged by his words. There is nothing like a profound book that brings me to my heart's door and encourages me to ponder, pray, and write from within. Especially on a vacation. And especially when Bran is doing the same and we can share our new understandings with each other.
We remembered what so many have told us along the way: Marriage is hard. Almost predictably, we got into a very heated and hurtful discussion the night before our trip. So interesting how that works. Needless to say, we spent the entire trip processing what had been said and attempting to rebuild our loving foundation. 7 years in, we are realizing the simple truth that marriage is hard. It's not about the romance anymore. It's so much more than just partner parenting. It is way greater than a close friendship. God designed this great love between man and woman to reflect the love He has for us, his creation. But we are human, and this divine love does not come easy. So we press on. Remembering why we began this journey of becoming one in the first place. And remembering that learning to love takes a lifetime.

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